During a construction project, the building owner has to make numerous decisions. We would be happy to assist you, develop proposals for solutions, prepare decisions and ensure smooth approval.
We always keep an eye on quality, costs and deadlines and document everything in a comprehensible and clear manner.
Our goal: to ensure project success and to make processes simple, efficient and transparent.
For example, in building owner representation, project management or organization, cost and schedule control, quality monitoring, the integration of construction planning and technology, forward-looking addendum management and authority management.
Client representation
Project management
Project organization
- Developing, coordinating and documenting the project-specific organizational specifications with project structure planning and updating
- Develop and coordinate the basics for planning the planning
- recording the definition of the project goals and the documentation of the project specifications and their updating,
- Proposing and coordinating the communication structure of the information, reporting and protocol system, checking and implementing the communication structure as well as regular information and coordination with the client (reporting system).
- Propose and coordinate decision management and its implementation, as well as completion
- Propose and coordinate change management and its implementation, as well as completion
- Participate in risk management until completion
- Participate in the selection of a project communication system and analyze and evaluate the correct use of it by the project participants
- Participate in the organizational and administrative concept as well as the implementation of the handover / takeover or commissioning / use
- Arranging the systematic compilation and archiving of the project documentation
Cost Control
- Contribute to the preparation of the cost framework for investment costs and usage costs
- Checking the cost estimation and calculation of the object and specialist planners as well as initiating necessary adaptation measures
- Checking the cost estimation and calculation of the object and specialist planners as well as initiating necessary adaptation measures
- Cost control to meet the cost targets
- Planning of funds requirement and cash outflow and updating
- Check and release proposals regarding the invoices of the planning participants and other project participants (except construction-executing companies)
- Voting, setting up and updating the project-specific cost tracking (continuous) until its completion
- Check the target values for the allocations determined by the planners on the basis of the current cost calculation
- Checking the cost calculations made by plan participants on the basis of priced specification services
- Review the bid evaluations for the reasonableness of prices
- Specifying the cover confirmations for orders / supplements
- Cost control taking into account the offer tests and cost comparisons of the planning participants
- Review and release suggestions of the invoices of plan participants and other project participants (except contractors), including security services
- Check and release suggestions regarding the audit of the object monitoring for payment to executing companies
- Check the cost determination of the object and specialist planner
Schedule Control
- Setting up and adjusting the time frame, including updating
- Setting up and coordination of the control schedule for the overall project (planning and construction process) and deriving the capacity framework and updating taking into account the schedule of the planning participants for the planning and construction process
- Checking the schedule of the planning participants for the planning and construction process, in particular compliance with the schedule
- Scheduling of the planning including analysis and evaluation of the schedule updates of the planning participants
- Check the award date planning of the parties involved in the planning
- Checking the present offers regarding the predetermined dates
- Scheduling with target / actual comparisons concerning execution planning as well as preparation and execution of the award
- Scheduling of the execution taking into account the object monitoring services
- Control of commissioning, acceptance and delivery
Quality Control
- Check the existing basics of the anticipated requirements of planning for completeness and plausibility
- Check the results of the basic determination of the planning participants
- Ongoing analysis and evaluation of the services / planning results of the planning participants for conformity with the given project goals
- Control the planning of the sampling and participation in the sampling
- Check the result documentation of the planning participants for the individual perfomance phases of the planning
- Check the bid evaluations and procurement proposals prepared by the plan participants
- Analyzing and evaluating the services of object monitoring as well as proposing and adjusting adaptation measures in case of endangerment of project goals
- Reason-related local checking of the services of the object monitoring
- Analyze and evaluate the list of limitation periods for claims for defects
Integration construction planning & technology
Supplementary management
In the sense of an anti-claim management we support you not only with the professional defense against unjustified supplementary claims acc. VOB / B, but
- Identify risks in advance and show minimization potential
- optimize the documentation of in-construction acceptance and defense against claims
- Check contractor requirements on their reasonableness and in the amount
- Prepare negotiations and negotiate at your request
- Prepare a process organization for supplementary claims
- assist you and your lawyer in possible legal disputes with contractors
Public administration